Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Back for Good, Hopefully

I’ve been an awful lot blogger for not being able to update and maintain this blog like I promised myself almost a year ago when I created it and being preoccupied with a hobby isn’t going to make up for that. But I am back to business or whatever. I’ve been running around with thoughts in my mind that needed to be broken down into some spectacle or clutter for a blog post for months.

And just to a wee, quick update, I have just started my official NCLEX-RN review last June 6 here in Manila. I know I have been reading and answering questions since I started applying last August 2012 but I figured that isn’t quite counted and valid preparation because I wasn’t serious about it and I didn’t prioritize it.

So yes, it’s 6:51 am of June 19th today. My class is in 3 hours and I am just killing some time catching up with a few TV series to relax.

I promise to myself I will update, especially NCLEX-RN wise. I would like to hear stories from people preparing or applying for it. And maybe I can help. 

- N