Nina Nicole

I go by Nin. It's a nickname. This blog is called 'Nina Nicole' in reference to my two adorable nieces who are the best things in the world (dogs, then chocolates being the second and third respectively, and yes, I am well aware that people aren't things but you get my drift). I love them dearly and I wish my first name is as cute as theirs. Hence, 'her name is Nina Nicole.'


  1. hi! i've read your blog regarding ny appplication. tanong ko lang sana dun sa nurse form 1 ano ggwin ko if hnd kasya sa boxes ung first name ko and pag ngreregister ako sa pearson d rin ntatapos ung name ko kc mejo mahaba?.. can u help me? thank you..

    1. Hi,magtetake din ho ako ng nclex ny,naghihintay pa ako kung kelan makapag issue ng report ang CVS sa NYSED.Hindi pa ako nakapag take ng online course na isa sa mga requirement nla.Ang tanong ko sa 'yo kung may online course ka na bang naaaplyan?kasi ako wla pa.
      Cguro kailangan mo ng extra sheet sa form 1 kasi hindi kasya ang pangalan mo or itanong mo na lang sa NYSED.
      Hoping for your reply. Thanks...


    2. HI IM Planning also to take nclex ny, peru i dont know how to start with. can ou please help me..thanks
