Saturday, October 19, 2013

Filipino Nurse DIY Application for NCLEX-RN in New York State: UpdatesAlmost a Year Later

UPDATE: I took my NCLEX-RN just this Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 9:00 am Philippine Standard Time, at Pearson Professional Center, Trident Tower Makati, Metro Manila. I tried the Pearson Vue Trick about 3 hours later, got a good pop up, and last night, October 18, I found out through my unofficial quick results posted on my Pearson Vue account that I passed! I will create a separate post to share my NCLEX-RN experience soon! :)

For the first post regarding the how-to apply:

Hello everyone who stumbled into this blog! I believe you are here for the obvious reason. You are maybe trying to apply for NCLEX-RN in New York, already applied but experiencing some problems or difficulties, most likely a Filipino Nurse with the same case like me, or maybe you are just as confused as I am when I was trying to figure it all out when I started.

Lucky for me, I have friends who helped me figure it out. I thought that paying an agency (name withheld) to process the application for me is just futile and a big waste of money I should be using to pay for review materials instead. Because, truth be told, you can do it on your own without aid whatsoever from a company. I did it and so can you. And because I am grateful for the help that I got, I am happy to be a be of help to anyone. So to give you a little background as to how to apply, here’s the steps I took when I was applying with some connotations and commentaries. I warn you though that since I did it my way and on my own, this may not be the best or most correct way to do it. But it worked for me and it is valid.

Step 1: Where do I want to be licensed at?

I originally planned taking the NCLEX-RN exam and get licensed at the State of California where my family is relocating this year. However, I am in the Philippines, not an immigrant, thus, I have no valid Social Security Number that is required. Also, they have become too strict in applying alone that I know many people having problems there. So there was New York, among other states that do not require SSN, and my dilemma is solved. However, if the time frame is your utmost concern and you would like to take the exam the soonest possible time, New York may not be for you. Vermont used to have the no SSN requirement but they amended that last year and I was late in applying so not luck there, it would have been nice applying there because it just takes 4 months to have everything at hand to sit the exam.

Step 2: Download the application form or application packet in the website of your Board of Nursing of choice.

In my case, it’s where I had it printed and I handwritten almost all the answer to then I had it notarized, sealed, and signed, and mailed to Mail the duly accomplished Application Forms with the application fee to:

New York State Education Department, 
Office of the Professions, 
PO Box 22063, Albany, NY 12201

-I am probably not the best person to ask regarding the mode of payment because my parents processed it for me because it is their account that I used. If my memory serves me right, you can pay using a bank draft or a check that is paid in US dollars, so a dollar account is needed for that. When I had the check addressed to NYSED and paid for in $143, I mailed the check along with my application. I used PNB and I heard BDO and Metrobank processes the payment too.

-Go to a valid, good Notary Public. It will cost roughly Php 150-200. The seal must be placed where it is supposed to be as indicated in the form. Your signature must be in your full name and not the traditional signature you can’t make the characters off. Save time and money and do it properly. I send my application twice because of that.

- I used DHL as courier and it cost me Php 1400 each mail I sent. That’s the fastest service for 3-4 days.

-NYSED did not inform me nor they answered my query when I asked if they received my application already. I based it on the tracking of the package on my courier’s website.

-NYSED will not process your papers too until your other requirements such as the CVS has been issued or submitted.

Step 3: CGFNS Credential Verification Service

You can log on to for the application. As for myself, I used the online application which cost $390 then, and that is a big cheaper than the application form that gets sent to you. Do not be confused though, the only difference is you fill out your information on your online account compared to writing it in the forms where you need to mail it back t them again. When you use the online service for CVS, you will be printing a few pages too including your mode of payment, a proof that you paid via credit card. Have this notarized and signed and mailed it to Mail the duly accomplished Application Forms to: 

PO Box 8628, Philadelphia, PA 19101- 8628.

-The courier guy from DHL sent this to another address that is not a PO box. He said they never deliver to PO boxes where no one is going to receive and sign for it. I relied on his discretion because he said he’s been doing this for years and not a single package got lost.

-This is an office to office transaction. No need to pass anything to anywhere. CGFNS will contact PRC to authenticate your license and your school for your Transcript of Records. Check the status of your service in your CGFNS account and rely on that so you can call PRC or your school for follow up. All has been paid for the $390. You will not be paying a cent to PRC or to your school for mailing fee.

-This service takes 4-12 months, I’ve been told. I sent mine alongside the New York application form around first week of August 2012 and with the delays I experience due to the wrong signature and such, I got my Report Issued around December 2012 and NYSED made me eligible early March 2013. That makes 7 months processing of NY Application for me.

Step 4: By this time I am confused! I already have my eligibility but I have not completed my requirements yet!

I have yet to take the NY Mandated Courses Online (since I answered ‘Yes’ in the application) at for the Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse in NYS 3.25 hrs ($20) and New York State Mandated Infection Control Training 4 hrs ($25). I might take it sooner or later though regardless if I already got my license of not and even if I will not be working there in NY anytime soon.
-I was told the eligibility in NY is for 5 years. They have our files for that long.
-The mandated courses may not be taken if you are not going to work in NY (Verification needed, I am not sure, help!)

Step 5: Eligibility

Step 7: Register at Pearson Vue 

Once you received the correspondence that you are already eligible (completed the requirements) to sit the exam, you may now register at Pearson Vue at and wait for your ATT or Authorization to Take the Test and that’s the time you can schedule your exam at your preferred site and date.

-I haven’t registered at Pearson Vue yet as I am still assessing myself if I am already ready to take the exam. Last April 2013, they raised the passing standard for the NCLEX-RN and that makes the exam even for difficult so you cannot just take it when you feel like you want to.

Step 6: Wait for your ATT and Schedule the exam

-I have not made up my mind yet as to when I will be taking the exam because I need time to….

Step 7: Review and Prepare for the exam (whichever comes first for you.).

This is pretty much what I’ve been doing seriously since June 6. I enrolled myself in a review class which is pretty much elf review too only you get to use their resources and you get a structure and you condition yourself to study and read and review and answer questions almost 9 hours a day. My style is I read every chapter first then take the post test per chapter then when I finished max 3 chapters a day, I answer questions using the QBank or the Q&A CDs I’ve acquired since college. 250 Q&As max in a day. Minimum 50. Minimum 1 chapter a day.

I do not force myself to study when I don’t want to. Heck, I even skip class when I feel like I’m just going to sleep there. I watch TV and I go out. I do not limit. I study when I am happy and I study happily and that seems to be working. I cannot share yet my study guides or my study tips and whatsnot until I have proven it to be effective and that’s not until I pass the test.

In summary:

NY Application + CGFNS CVS Application + Issued CVS Report + NY Eligibility + Register at Pearson Vue + Get ATT + Schedule the Exam + Take the Exam + Pass The Exam = NY License

*Insert Study and Preparation and Mandated Courses in between

If you have questions, feel free to comment.  I would love to hear from you. I might write about review when I am in a void. Thank you!



  1. Hi! I'm also an NCLEX RN applicant for the State of NY. And I've been processing my CVS since December 2012. NYSED received my application this June, I took all the required coursework beforehand and they are just waiting for my CGFNS report and Form 3 (license verification required by NYSED) so they can review my application.

    I have a US tourist visa and had a vacation in NY last year for 5 months (July-Dec). Do you think it's possible to take my NCLEX exam in NY let's say first quarter next year? Or is it better to take it here? I'm just worried the immigration people will doubt me if I take the exam in NY. And how long did it take CGFNS to send your final report to NYSED? Coz it's already been 6 months for me now. Also, does the eligibility (issued by NYSED) have an expiration? Coz i heard once they issue your eligibility you should take the exam within 3 months. I hope you take time to read and respond to this. You can email me at

    Thanks very much!

    1. Hi! I take it that you hold a multiple entry tourist visa? I don't see anything wrong if you will be taking the exam in the US. The results there will be faster, in 48 hours you will get the official results compared here where you'll get it in weeks time. Although I cannot speculate on how the immigration think and how they will look at such move. But if it is me, I will take it there, if only I have a tourist visa.

      I mailed both my application forms August last year. It was already September when CGFNS updated me that they have received my application. I think they issued the report around January if not late December of 2012 so that's around 4-5 months. It really depends though, maybe they are receiving a number of applications all at once. Two friends of mine who are taking the NY NCLEX-RN told me that the eligibility is 5 years, but the ATT is valid for 4 months and within that time frame you should take the exam.

  2. can show or tell me what are the forms i need to send for ces? is it the authorization to release ...? thank uu

    1. Hi! I'm so sorry but I am not familiar with the CES. But I'm sure it is in the website of CGFNS as well as the main application form of CES as to what forms you need to send to them.

  3. thanks for the reply... what i mean is the one u apply online, that cost 390 usd(more or less) ... im referring to the cgfns application for the evaluation of credentials? thank u so much....

    1. When you apply online, there are instructions there that will direct you to have some pages printed and accomplished, then mailed back to CGFNS.

  4. Hi! Thank you for sharing. I applied for CVS too and been waiting for almost 7 months. i have not yet send application to NYSED, maybe this month once my CVS is ready for submission.

  5. That's good news! When are you planning to take the exam?

  6. thanks Nin for that great info, so after sending form 1 to NYSED i will register on CGFNS and pay for CVS?are they responsible for all the processing for my transcript and PRC?

    1. Hi! Yes, you may do that or you may accomplish your CGFNS CVS forms first and have it submitted because it will take about 6-7 months for them to process it. It is an office to office transaction, you just have to check the status online if the forms have been sent, or you may also check on your school and on PRC. You may submit them at the same time too, but others submit their NYSED forms once their CVS report is ready to be issued because NYSED won't bother with your application unless you are done with CVS.

  7. hi nin, i just want to know, im a lil bit confused here, in the nurse form 1, do we have to tick the yes in question 19? and indicate the prc/license etc and have to submit the form 3? or just tick the no in question 19 of form 1? sorry.

    1. Sorry for replying just now. Question 19 corresponds to your license in other US States or Canada etc. Philippines is not under this jurisdiction thus it is not included. But do include your local licensure in CVS but it will take a while since PRC processes documents slowly.

  8. Hi! Thank you for sharing Nin, i just have a few questions re the signatures on CGFNS CVS and the NY form 1, do i have to sign it on my usual signature or i have to just print my name. thank you

    1. Hi! What I did was I wrote my full name in cursive just to be safe. I didn't use my usual signature. Good luck!

    2. Hi nin, im so glad to find ur blog, i just want clarify some questions. Im planning to apply to ny also so is it better to apply for cvs first before sending app to ny? Also do i need to send any kind of form to my school or cgfns will take care of it all? Also, with regards to child abuse and infection control can i just take it afterwards o need na kgad before sending app to ny? Tnk u and congratz on pasiing nclex. U will always be blessed kc u always try to help otherw people as well.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi there.. your DIY post has been very helpful, thanks.. I do have few questions though.. On the application form, #23 and 24 ( child abuse and infection control) did you check any boxes from there or just leave it blank? So basically, the CGFNS will be the one verifying our files from the PRC and school so there's no need for us to send any forms to our school right?

    1. Hi Kimmie. My reply to you is below, dated July 22. I'm so sorry, I failed to tag you. I hope you got the answers to your questions. :)

    2. Hey thanks! Appreciate it a are you doing with your Nclex review by the way? Hope all is well nin.. Thanks

    3. Hi kim and nin, what are the forms and where could i see it? The forms that is need to be send to the school after paying the 390 for cvs? Im confuse if i need to send them any forms or the cgfns will take care of everything already?

  11. Hi! Yes, CGFNS CVS is an office to office transaction. Once you mailed the authorization and application forms, they will be the one to proces it by sending the necessary files to PRC and school and PRC and school back to CGFNS. What I did is I just checked the status online periodically then sometimes I call my school and PRC to check if my files are there and ready for sending. For the mandated courses in child abuse and infection control, I checked the part that says I have already taken it even if I haven't because I might take it as well after I pass and should they still require it even if I am only getting licensed there and not going to where in that state.

  12. Hi Nin just wanted to ask you about sending the form 1, did you send it as it is? No other attachments included? Just fully accomplished form 1? Thank you! :)

    1. Hi! My apologies for the very late reply. Yes, I sent it as it is along with the form of payment.

  13. Hello, i would like to ask what is the max time do i have to take the exam after i recieve my eligibility? Thank you

    1. It depends on the state you are applying to. For example in New York, they have our files for 5 years and that eligibility to take the exam expires after then.

  14. Nin Aguila..KUDOS.. love your blog... such a great help to us.... tnx a lot.. i'll try it soon

  15. Hi Nin! I'd just like to ask regarding form1 no.18 under Nursing Program, what did you write on the part of major/concentration? Hope to hear from you. Thanks!:)

    1. Hi! I remember I put 'Bachelor of Science in Nursing' there but 'Nursing' will be just as acceptable, I believe. Sorry for the very late reply.

  16. hi nin ... how many months it will take before i can take the exm (after application ) ...

    1. Hi! It varies. Some people I know are able to sit the exam after their papers are processed for just 4-5 months. CGFNS will process your CVS in about 4-12 months, average is 6 or 7 months. By the time they issued your report to NYSED, you will receive your eligibility. Following up and checking the status online made it easier and faster for me. But then it varies. As for myself, it took me 6-7 months in total before I got my eligibility to sit the exam but I still have not registered to take it. :)

  17. Hi ask ko lang nguguluhan kse ako. Natanggap ko na ung letter from ny state ed. Dept. Na pde ndaw ako magexam pero sbe nmn sa cgfns acc waiting for reply pdaw cla from cvs. Im confused po. Mageexam npo ba ako tlg ibig sbhn non

    1. Hi! So sorry for the late reply. Please contact NYSED to verify since they should receive the CVS report from CGFNS first. I hope you were able to do follow up on this! Good luck!

  18. do i have like to sign my whole name on it on the notarized form? like for example "juan santos dela cruz" in cursive form?

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I highly advise you to do so - full name in cursive, most especially on the CVS form. I used my regular signature before and it wasn't accepted so I had to resend it.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hello Ate Nin! Thank you for this! I really have no idea what to do dati. Thankfully, I happen to find your previous post about the application for nclex-rn. CGFNS just received my credentials from my school and PRC this month. I mailed my application last June. Hopefully, mabilis lang din ang pag issue nila ng report. Thanks again po! :)

    1. That's great to hear! You can now start reviewing for the exam so by the time the report is submitted you are already ready to sit the exam. Good luck!

  21. Hello Nin! Thanks for the information! Did you submit form 3? What did you answer in no. 19? Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi! I am not sure but I think I did not because this pertains to valid license within the US and US territories. :)

  22. Hey nin! I got some follow up the papers wherein it has to be notarized, do we have to write anything on it? Because it was like a summary from the informations we provided from the application right. Or we simply leave it as it is, sign, notarize and send it?

    Sorry about the unending queries.. Hope to hear from you soon! Have a good day! Thanks nin!

    1. Hi! I had it signed, stamped, dated, and notarized. Just like that. Ir is okay, I am glad to be a be of help to anyone. :)

  23. Hi Nin! It's great to know that NY doesn't require SSN in our application. But I was wondering, are they going to hold our license once we pass the NCLEX examination until we provide them with a SSN? or is the SSN simply for nurses who want to work?

    Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi! Based on what I know, NY doesn't hold licenses even if you don't have SSN. They do not destroy our files either not until the max 5 years of eligibility. We will be needing SSN should we plan to work in the US.

  24. hi nini! thanks for the information. it helps me a lot. i sent my application to CGFNS CVS NY last JUNE 2013. My status said it's ready for processing but still waiting for my PRC validation form and school transcript validation form. Now i am waiting for the approval and issued report. I am just confused regarding this " WAITING TO BE RECEIVED ". Is it the documents that they will send to our school and PRC? thank you for your help.

    1. That's great news! That means that CGFNS is still waiting for the accomplished documents from the PRC and your school, the ones that they sent to them. :)

  25. This is a great help for everyone who wants to apply in newyork!..I also did apply in newyork and took me like 7-8 months on everything..

    1. Hi! Yes, that seems to be the average waiting time for the whole process. Good luck on your exam!

  26. hi! same here, i received my eligibility for nclex-NY in august 2012 and i havent registered at pearsonvue. I tried to contact ny-sed regarding the expiration of my eligibility but they told me to just contact this and that so I gave up and scouted the web for a "sure" answer regarding my eligibility. and the thing is, im bound to work to another country for 2 yrs as a staff nurse and im pretty sure i wont be able to take my nclex til I get back here in pinas. please help. i badly need to know the expiration of my elig. :)

    1. Hi! I have a friend who also applied to New York but, due to some professional commitments, won't be able to take the exam soon. She called NYSED and she was told that they have our papers for 5 years, we are eligible until then. :)

  27. Hi Thanks for the info! This is really helpful. I'm about to start processing my application. I have already signed up for CGFNS verification. I want to submit my form 1 simultaneously while the CGFNS is processing my documents. I'd like to ask if I need to submit a copy (original or photocopy?) of my diploma since it's indicated in the packet that "If you were educated outside the U.S., submit a copy of your nursing diploma in the original language." - so besides the form 1 should I also submit original or photocopy of my diploma? This is quite confusing. :(

    I'm signed up as Anonymous but I'll get back from time to time to check for your reply. Your reply is highly appreciated. Goodluck on your exam! :)

    1. Hi! I did not mail any copy of my diploma to CGFNS nor NYSED. I did not have any problems with it either. Plus CGFNS is an office to office transaction, whatever they need from the school will be mailed by our school to them to assure that no documents are tampered with. You may choose to submit your NY application forms now or anytime until the CGFNS is ready to issue your report. NYSED will not process your papers for eligibility until CVS report is submitted. :)

    2. Thanks Nin! What should I do next after paying the required fee to CGFNS? Should I mail them an authorization letter? Thanks!

  28. hi Ms. Nin Aguilar. I'm currently an alien resident here sa NYC. and I know sobrang stubborn ko for asking you instead of calling NYSED. hehe. Anyways, thank you so much for this blog. I've been looking for one since I arrived here sa states two weeks ago, and I haven't started anything before arriving so it's a huge hassle kasi it's hard to be a bum here now, (balancing part time job and processing nclex). Tanong lang po, so the child abuse and infection control seminar/certification is not "really" required sa processing for nclex. I mean, you don't have to obtain certification before passing the exam. Thank you so much for this post. God bless! :) (nakapagexam ka na ba?)

    1. Hi! My apologies for the very late reply. I just took my NCLEX last 16 and found out I passed last night. :) Anyway, the mandated courses are required. But you may take them sooner or later. :)

  29. hi question lang po. dun sa part na "Do you now hold, or have you ever held, a license or certificate to practice any profession* in any jurisdiction?" did you answer Yes, I mean pag may license ka sa philippines, or any License lang sa US yan? thank you in advance and thaks for your post.

    1. So sorry for the late reply! I just took my exam and been busy prior to that.

      That is about existing licenses in other US States and territory only.

    2. Hi nin, one question in the application form quest no 17. Do i have to indicate that i alresdy took nclex before in some other states? Even if i didnt gain license? Also is there a limit if times the ny bon only allows an applicant to take the nvlex rn? Tnx

  30. Hi there. Just wanna ask if ielts/toefl and cgfns exam are to be taken? This blog of yours is really amazing especially for nurses who wants to pursuit their goals. Thanks!

    1. Hello. Apologies for the very late reply. For the application to NYSED, no English exams are required for you to take the exam.

  31. Hi Nin! Your blog is really helpful. Thank you! I've bookmarked this site as my reference ever since I submitted my CVS application last June. :) The status of my CVS now is Ready for Review. I would like to ask if I still need to submit any documents to the NYSED once my CVS is done?

    1. Thank you so much! Unless NYSED contacts you for lacking documents or requirements, no, not anymore. :)

  32. Such a nice post about the MCAT questions..Thanks for sharing.

    1. This is a how-to guide for NCLEX RN New York application sir. But thanks for visiting.

  33. hi just want to ask ... bout cgfns application , is it ces for academic report or professional report? and need b ng english exam ng ny? thank u

    1. It is CVS - Credential Verification Service. No English Exam requirement to be able to get eligibility to take the exam for New York. :)

  34. Hi Nin! Ask ko lang if may sinend na letter ang NYSED sa'yo while the CGFNS is not yet done with the verification? Kasi they requested un Mandated Online Course ko and yung sa visa ko dito (currently in California - tourist visa) and they said na di daw complete application ko, unless submit ko un mga requirements (Online course and visa). Ganun ba talaga? They'll ask for additional requirements pero need pa din nila hintayin un CGFNS result? waaah help please! thanks! :)

    1. Hi! No, I have not received any correspondence even if I still lack the mandated courses (I have to take one still, maybe tonight). But we need to comply so they can review our application while waiting for other requirements like the CVS report from CGFNS.

  35. hi nin... congrats to u... my prc licensed is expired already. so kkrenew ko lng last sept 2 and change name/status due to marriage.dec p mrerelease license ko. pede n b ko mgstart ng cvs ko khit on process p renewal ko. sayang kc tym eh... thnk uu

  36. and also, regarding child abuse and infection ... requirement, should i tick that ive done it and provider will send to them electronically? even though i havent do it?

  37. Hi nin!!I just wanna ask how long will it take for the final review Ng cgfns?its been a month and yet ready for final review parin Ing application ko...should I call cgfns for this matter?

  38. Hi Nin! Congratulations and thank you for sharing. I received NYSED eligibility last month and will be taking nclex early next year.

  39. Hi congrats.. i'm done with sending the CVS application form to CGFNS but i used my usual signature not in cursive and then they emailed me that they received it and the status changed to "ready for processing". do you experienced this first before the conflict with the signature arise? will i experience what happened to you? thankss..

    1. anyone of u can help me... i paid cvs via credt card (online) do i need to fill up and print my payment vouchers? scared my payment will be charged twice

    2. no need to print your payment voucher.. the online payment will be credited as your payment for cvs

  40. Wow, I also want to share my experience in my application in CGFNS and NYSED. I printed all the necessary application forms and have been notarized some of them (I can't recall but I think the one with a cursive sign on it). Then mailed all necessary forms to the address given by CGFNS and NYSED. Mode of payment: In CVS, via credit card ako $390, sa NYSED pra sa eligibility application $143. gagawa k ng bankdraft n payable sa New York State, much better kung may account kn sa PNB or Metrobank. ang alam ko pwede n dn sa BDO and BPI. I applied CVS via online last February 2013, and it took 6 months before they send my credentials to NYSED. Normal processing is 6-7 months for international countries (Sinakto talagang 6 months sa akin, hehe..) Then ska nasinend ang credentials ko from CGFNS sa NYSED last August 22 for eligibility, normal processing time 2-4 months but it depends on the bulk of applications. I have found myself eligible last October 10, and received a letter from ATT last October 21 na pwede n ako mag-exam. Nagregister n ako sa PearsonVue last October 25, then antay2x n lng ako ng feedback. 1 month ang processing. $200 and binayaran ko via credit card. Then additional $150 for international testing site. I'm ready to take NCLEX exam this DECEMBER. Ang nurse kc kailangan laging prepare for better or for worst, hehe.. sa Review ko, Self-review lng ako. wala n akong pera para mag-enroll sa mga review center dahil naubos na sa pagprocess ng application ko, hehe. Nag-start ako nung February p hbng on the process p, hehe..puro practice questions muna ginagawa ko because for me, nalalaman ko n dn ang content by doing practice questions..Binabasa ko rationale khit tama p ang sagot ko. Saunders ang gamit kong book. ewan ko lng, mas maganda kc ang pagkakaexplain dito eh,(naalala ko c Donya Ina hehe.) Ndi na ako gaanong nagmememorize kc sa exam, ANALYSIS ang kailangan. Know your area of weakness ( ako kc, Psychiatric Nursing, kc ndi ako therapeautic n tao, haha!!) nga dito sa blog, mag-review k if you feel happy, hehe. gagawin ko ang lahat ng aking makakaya pra maipasa ang NCLEX exam pra IELTS nmn para makapag-apply n ako ng VisaScreen and Working Visa pra mailine-up n for immigration..

    1. same tayo self review lang din ako. can't afford mag enroll sa review center. plan ko naman magtake sa january. God bless us.

    2. Hi ask ko lng after paying 490 for the cvs.. Do i need to send any form to my school or cgfns na lhat bhala? Blak k mg apply s ny since nevada is already asking for ph license. Plz help me nman on step by strp? Also, anu ba dpat kng unahin ung chfns o app sa ny? at panu ung child abuse and infection control need nb kgad un or pdeng after na ng cgfns results? Tnx

    3. SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY, I'm so sorry Chel Libiran. nung CGFNS n bahala, office to office transaction kc, you just need to comply with ur school kung may na-receive n clang letter from CGFNS (via courier ang pagpapadala ng CGFNS sa school ntin ng letter) as the same with PRC for license verification. sa PRC, ichecheck lng nila sa computer nila un. Hbng ongoing ang CGFNS application mo, mag-apply k n ng eligibility sa NY. actually, ung sa CGFNS ko, inabot ng 6 months. cla mismo ang mag-foforward ng school credentials mo and license verification mo sa NY. about sa Continuing education (child abuse and infection control) basta ako right after ko kukunin after makuha ko ung official result. I passed the NCLEX exam last December 19, 2013. akala ko nga bagsak ako, mahirap pero with the right preparation I think you can do it too.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. thanks sa response... another help, done online application to cgfns for cvs. and paid ndn. nxt step is to print and mail to them... pero bt wla pdn akong cgfns id? can i mail to cgfns khit wla png cgfns id? (since nklgy nmn sa form: if known lng) and another thing , when i printed my authorization to release form, lumbas sa school year ko is june 1,2006- april 1,2006... is it a standard? kc wla nmn ako inenter n day... i remember , only ask for month and year.... pls help

  42. * my mistake- june 1,2002- april 1,2006

  43. i received my cgfns id. no today ... my problem is i realized that i forgot to write my primary education in application form.. and 2 schools kc ko nung college, ndi ko nlgy ung frst year ko ... what should i do)

  44. settled already... i called cgfns and told me can edit my application form ... thanks to everyone... will going to mail my application this week:) good luvk to all of us

  45. Hi! Thanks for your blog. very helpful. I just want to clarify, though, regarding your payment to NYSED. Did you pay through bankdraft prepared by a bank here in the Philippines? I was going through the instructions and it says
    ": Payment submitted from outside the United States should be made by check or
    draft on a United States bank and in United States currency; payments submitted in any other form
    will not be accepted and will be returned."
    I'm confused. I hope you can shed some light. Thanks!

  46. Hi Nin, congrats for passing the NCLEX exam. I just wanna ask if you attach any documents like your college diploma when you submitted the Nurse Form1 for the Application of Licensure Nurse? Kindly email me at Thanks a lot.

  47. amazing post! I highly appreciate everything you put into this article. Same as you I also want to become an RN in New York. I passed all my forms to CGFNS around the last week of June 2013 and was notified through my email that CGFNS has received everything July 19, 2013. It's already November 14, 2013 and my school says that they have not received anything from CGFNS yet. So more or less I'm on my 4th-5th month of processing. I am getting a little bit worried and frustrated but all I can do is wait. Congratulations on passing your exam by the way! :) See you around New York someday :) email:

    1. It's a waiting game. mine took 10 months before NY made me eligible. God bless us

  48. Hi this is an amazing blog...I wanted to take an nclex exam for ny I need to pass my local board exam here? Or I can proceed to take exam without my local board ?

  49. they said for ny, no need to pass local board...

    1. Is that really updated now? Can you please tell me the website where u can see the requirements to be send to them? Thank you!

  50. Is it updated? Or is it a new law?bc someone said I need to pass it :3 did u apply this year or this month? I really want to know please..thankyou

  51. my friend in ny said no need ... i also know someone that applied for ny , she did not declare her local license ...

    1. Lol I'm not planning to work there bc I dnt have a working visa and I know its illegall to work there with a tourist visa...I'm just asking of I'm allowed to take without my liscense so yeah thank you...and I have tourist visa...I am in philippines right now bc I still want to take the local board yeah my parents want me to take local board exam just to be sure

  52. Why is that my friend said that I need to pass it? She just told me recently and she is a nurse in nyc too.l but before she di dint declare it...I really want to know about it btw thank you

    1. I'm not an immigration expert but If you are an US immigrant/Citizen, Philippine RN license is not an issue. However if you are seeking to immigrate through employer's petition, you need to have a local license which is one of the requirement in order to qualify for VisaScreen certificate. VisaScreen certificate is a requirement of US federal government before they issue visa.

    2. But I only have tourist I still need it?

    3. All i know is that, working under tourist visa is illegal. If immigration officer caught a person working under tourist visa, he/she may face deportation and will be banned to enter US for 10 years. Besides, there's a huge backlog of immigrant of visa (EB3 category) processing for nurses. USCIS currently process those who have priority dates before January 8, 2007, waiting times is about 7 years and many of those nurses who waited that long was abandoned by their employer/petitioner. I'm sorry to disappoint but that's the reality. So i highly encourage you to take local board and get some hospital experience, and of course you can still apply licensure under New York state.

    4. Lol I'm not planning to work there bc I dnt have a working visa and I know its illegall to work there with a tourist visa...I'm just asking of I'm allowed to take without my liscense so yeah thank you...and I have tourist visa...I am in philippines right now bc I still want to take the local board yeah my parents want me to take local board exam just to be sure

  53. I have this problem about my license which will be expired this january 2014. I'm planning to process my cgfns this week but i'm afraid that cgfns will receive my expired license due to its processing time which will take arou d 6-8 months. I renewed my old license yesterday at SM North Edsa but they said it would take me 4-6 weeks to receive the new one. Should I wait for my new license or send the old one? Nice blog btw!

    1. I think it's ok. My CVS report was issued already before CGFNS received my license validation from prc. However NYSEd still grant me eligibility.

  54. it was a nice blog! Hi, i would like to ask about the signature you just said, do you mean that i have to write my full name in a signature way? not the traditional abbreviation of my name? thanks a lot.

  55. Another question about the school information in CGFNS. My problem is that I went to 3 schools during my elementary years. Grade 1-4, grade 4-5 and grade 5-6. Should I put just 1 school as 6 years for primary or should I put the grade 5-6 which is the graduating year?

  56. Hi! I'm wondering if I can put a california mailing address in the nurse form 1? Someone said it would be faster for them to reply since the address is in the US. Thanks!

  57. hi ... how to check if ngmail n ung cgfns sa school ko and prc? iindicate b nla un sa order status? thnks

  58. Hello ate Nin! I got my Eligibility last October. Thanks again for this blog! :) I am registering now at and I would to ask, what did you answer in the part wherein we (Non-US educated candidates) were asked if we have a CGFNS Certification. Thank you again and a big congratulations! Cheers! ;)

  59. Hi! Did anyone send the nurse 1 form in a PO box? I thought DHL cannot send mails in a PO box?

    1. I did sent it through Philippine Postal. :)

    2. I'm wondering if someone used DHL to send their form. Any alternative address? I sent my cgfns form to the address in their website.

    3. I sent mine through DHL

    4. Do you know what address they sent it?

  60. Hello everyone, i am planning to apply for nclex new york din but my problem is i am living in italy. i am confuse regarding sa school documents and prc. do i still need to go to my school and prc to process my documents? or yung CGFNS na ang bahala mag process once nag bayad ako ng $ 390 ? medyo naguguluhan kasi ako lalo na malayo ako sa pilipinas para mag process ng documents. Thank you advance.

  61. its office to office transaction. cgfns n mgsesend ng request letter to our school and prc. then orc /school mgmmail back sknila. im outside phils also. nkpg pass nko for cvs . nty nlng ng cg dumtng docs ko

    1. So it means i can start applying for nclex na. yung sa cgfns ba may mga documents bang dapat isend sa kanila or we can do all the process thru online? ano mas advisable na unahin? yung sa cgfns ba muna or send ng application letter sa new york? thank you and happy new year

    2. cgfns muna. i applied for cgfns na last nov. dec when i receuved their email n nsend n nla ung request letter ko to my school and prc. plamning to send my new york application feb or march. snce d nmn ipprocess ng ny hang ndi pa nppass ng cgfns ung cvs report ntn... so u can start the online application to cgfns . then print the required forms and mail to them...

  62. Hi im planing to take nclex to newyork ...before i start to apply i wana ask you guys if theres a need to take cgfns before applying for it necesarry to pass cgfns before taking nclex?

    1. Hi. No more CGFNS exam for NY. Just CVS from CGFNS.

  63. as far as i know no need to take cgfns exam. cgfns for new york is ung Credential verfcation servces , which is to evaluate lng our school and prc docs.

  64. Hi good day! i need help.. i just got married in 2012.. and my name in the form i filed is still my maiden name.... Im planning to take my nclex exam NY this year.. what do i need to do before taking the exam? do i need to contact the cgfns and bon about it? pls help..

    1. Hi. I think you need to update them for that to prevent legal issues and other problems regarding your name in your license / certification.

  65. hi ms. nin,
    have you any idea of other states not requiring SSN as of this moment?
    would really love to know, i'm having a difficulty finding the answer to this question.. thanks in advance!

    1. Hi. I think New Mexico and Texas also do not require SSN.

  66. Hi Nin,

    I am from the philippines and would like to be USRN in NY. but I am confurse what is CVS? what are the requirements I need to send aside from the form\? pls help me thanks

    1. It is Credential Verification Services where CGFNS verify the authenticity and validity of your local license and transcript of records directly from PRC and your school. That is the primary requirement aside from the NY application form and payment.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Hi everyone..please help me.. need pa ba na sa pinas isesend lahat ung forms and payment sa ny? Kc andito ako england.. pwede bang credit card dito ang gamitin and ung notary sa pinas ba tlga lhat ssend? Please I need an answer..thanks

    1. Hi. Payment to NYSED does not include Credit Card. Only CGFNS accept that. Please call them for assistance because I am not knowledgeable about applying to NYSED from another country besides the Philippines.

  69. Hi. Please help me because the Philippine branch of pearson that takes the calls is an idiot. I'd like to ask if I should ask the BON of New York for my ATT, OR, do i register at pearsonvue first and then is that the time i would be provided with my ATT na? Please please help me out.

    1. Hi! Yes, please register at Pearson online. Once you are registered, that's the time they can release your ATT (about 48 hours). After that, call the Oceania / US Hotline Numbers to schedule the exam if you are outside the US.

  70. Hi Nin, just curious because I thought that CGFNS is no longer needed or required just the NCLEX. I am sorry I am not a nurse but I am doing research and looking into the hows on behalf of my sister-in-law. She just passed the recent licensure. Also is it required that you have Philippine work experience before you can apply for NCLEX?

    1. Actually, CGFNS exam is not required. What NY require is the Credential Verification Service which is done by CGFNS. Anywhere you go today, they do require any applicant to have at least 2-3 years of experience.

  71. Hi, im currently processing my cvs. How are you able to edit the attendance dates sa authorization to release form? Pls help me. Thanks

    1. Please call their trunkline. A little patience though, some of their agents are rude.

  72. anyone can help me. applied for cvs n last nov. received email from them n sinend n nla letter of request ko to prc and school (dec 5). up to now, wala p nrerecv ung prc and school n letter frm cgfns? how long does it take? mtgal b tlga un dumating. thank u

    1. nag eemail ba ang cgfns if nasend na nila ung request letter sa school and PRC? thanks

    2. i received email from cg . ngsend n cla letter to my school and orc. pero up to now wala p nrerecv school and prc... just worried. sb kc sa email, dpt mrecv n nla within 180 days...

    3. It says on their website that they will send the 2nd letter after 60 days then 3rd and final letter after another 60 days

    4. Hi. Please depend on the updates on your CGFNS account. Then count the possible and usual days it takes a courier to send and receive parcels / documents. Sometimes due to the amount of applications they have, there will be some delays.

  73. hi Ms. Nin, ask ko lang sa cvs kung need ko pa bang fill upan ang pag.18 (credit card payment form) kung online payment nman ang gagawin ko. Next, is pg. 17( authorization to release information) ipapasa ko pa ba din yun kung wala nman akong authorized agent? ffill upan ko ba and nos.1-4? or until 3 lang kc wla akong mailagay sa authorized agent? thanks ha..sana matulungan mo ako. anyways...congratz pla.

    1. As for the payment, yes, they won't charge you double as long as you send the receipt they will provide you. Then, answer only what is applicable for you.

  74. nga pala...kailangan ko pa bang mgmail sa knila ng buong form ng cvs kung ngfill up nko thru online? thanks

    1. Yes. They will give you instructions what to print and send to them.

    2. Yes. They will give you instructions what to print and send to them.

  75. hi, asking again..i apply thru online, but i cannot print all the documents. san ko makikita ang "documents name" i already downloaded yung adobe pero wala pa din. im sorry pero dko sya magets. thanks again. kailangan ko pa bang iprint those documents para imail ko pa sa kanila kasma nung mga notarized forms?thanks thanks thanks

    1. Yes. As instructed, you have to mail them those documents duly accomplished.

  76. hello ms. nin, tanong ko lang kung need pa bang imail sa cgfns yung payment voucher na nprint ko, kahit bayad na ako online? salamat.

    1. Yes. I did that. I wasn't charged twice. It's a proof that you are already paid.

  77. Hi. I think i used my regular signature in the cvs form. What did cgfns tell you regarding that? Did you mail another one after all your required documents were received because in my online status they have received the 2 authorization forms and the notarized application form?

    1. Please call them. In my case I had to send a new one because of that form with my usual signature.

  78. Hi i just want to ask do i still need to send a payment voucher even if i already paid online via credit card?

    1. I wanna ask if i paid online to CGFNS does that mean i have to do thee payment voucher too?

  79. Hi. Thanks for the information. This is what im looking for because applying nclex thru the agency i saw was so expensive. Just wanna ask won't they ask for any certificate on child abuse etc.?and is ielts required?thanks

    1. No, IELTS is not required by NYSED. And they will ask for your certificates before they will release your license.

  80. Hi everyone and hello to you Nin, just wanna ask if anyone use saunders review in kindle form for nclex? I was wondering though if it has a pre test questions like in printed format enclosed with cd. Thanks and more power to all.

    1. I used Saunders during the early phase of my review but changed into something harder because some questions there are easier. But it's great for content.

  81. It's been a 2 months pero wala parin update sakin ang CGFNS kung nasend na nila ung letter sa school ko at sa PRC.. gaano ba talaga katagal bago nila i-send ung first letter? thanks!

    1. i applied nov. dec received email n they sent out letters n to prc and school. as of now... wla pdn nrerecv school and prc. mtgal ata tlg pg ny

    2. Mine was since dec. It says on their website that they will send another batch to our school and prc after 30 days( or 60 ) of no response from the 2 institution. Hope that helps

    3. Waiting game tlaga yan. ung sakin 7 months bago natapos. ordinary mail lang kasi ginagamit nila.

    4. do i need to call cg to tell them n wala p dn recv ung school and prc....ung akin sent dw last dec. )

    5. Wait lang guys. Patience. It varies talaga sa time and amount of applications they receive.

  82. Hi. I wann ask something. Uhm what is the best way to do first? is it doing the CVS/CGFNS form first or mail the application form to NYSED? im too confused right now. i hope you can help me. thankyou :)

    1. pls read previous post. most takers do cvs first��

  83. good day i just want to ask what is the best bank to do a bank draft. i will apply first for cvs then nsyed but im collecting first my funds quite expensive for me.. because according to cgfns you must settle your balance (fee) and the form (the one to notarized) within 3mos or it will expire...

    1. You can have it through PNB.

    2. how much do they charge in PNB? in BPI they chrge $5 in every draft

    3. for $143 bank draft i paid around 6800 pesos, it includes processing fee.

    4. thanks pao, i might go for pnb..����

    5. mag kano po ung total na bbyaran for nclex? tama po ba na 143 for the eligibility registration and then 35 for the limited permit and 200 for the processing fee and 150 for the international scheduling fee? thanks in advance.. so confused -_-

    6. I used PNB. If you have dollar account or know of someone na may ganon, you can use it then pay them na lang.

  84. Hi just want to ask regarding NYSED form 1 on question 18.
    ung "ATTENDANCE FROM". ano ilalagay dun? should it be exact? or pwede na I-COPY ung nilagay sa cgfns ? THANKS!

    1. When did you attend school, right? Syempre exact.

    2. i know the month and year.. what i mean is the exact date.. i can't remember na e.. sa cgfns kasi automatic na 01 ang date

  85. Hi newbie here.. :) i just wanna ask, if NY require a LOCAL Lic.? since I dont take my local lic. and what should I put in my CGFNS, coz it tell my lic. information since I dont have local lic. :)

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. hello.. can you help me.. what will i check in the form 1 #23 and 24? i havent that training yet.. should i enroll in the training first before applying for nclex?

    1. You may check it but make sure you accomplish it beforehand to prevent problems and delays.

  88. hello Nin! i just want to ask regarding CGFNS processing, did you call CGFNS often for the update of your application for CVS? or did you just rely on their website for updates? I already sent my application to them last October 2013. Some of my frnds said I should call CGFNS customer service often for faster processing of the papers. Would appreciate your reply.Thanks. :)

    1. I waited for updates then called them for questions. I didn't really like speaking to some agents, they were rude.

  89. hi nin, regarding with the forms i have to fill up, im confused whether FORM1 only will be filled up?! coz FORM 2-5 is not applicable anmore, Please help.
    About the (FORM1 pp 4-4) proof of completion of coursework or training in the identification and reporting of child abuse, infection control requirement? Do they really require this before you can have your eligibility?
    Thank you for your help!

    1. I think so but in my case I took it after I took the exam. There were delays in releasing my license because of that. So I'd rather you take it sooner.

  90. Thank you! I love you! God bless you!!!!!!!

  91. hi, aabot po ba ng 40 to 50 thousand ang lahat ng gastos sa pag process at pag take ng nclex? without review po ganun po ba kalaki ang gagastusin? t

  92. Please read over the comments for previous answers. I have done by best to answer all queries even when the questions are answered on my post. If you have very urgent questions, email me. If these are not very urgent and can be answered through research, please read everything so you won't get confused.

    1. Hi Nin, do you have email? I just need some advice and inquiries. I am applying for NY License right now. Thanks

  93. Hi nin. I will be using bankdraft to pay for cgfns cvs do i need to submit the form (cvs form) to cgfns together with d bank draft? Thnks in advance

  94. Hi ate nin! Thanks again for this very useful post. I also passed my NCLEX-RN exam last March 19. :) God bless!

  95. i applied last nov 2013 for cvs... called prc and my school pero wala pdn cla nrereceive request letter from cgfns,.. how long does it takes? just worried... - anyone can help? - thanks

  96. Good Day Ms. Nin!

    Your blog is really helpful. Ask ko lng after you passed the NCLEX, did the NY mailed your NY license to you? What about the continuing education? may certificate b silang ipapadala sau? ok n kc ako. Tanung ko lng kung may papangahawakan kng license or documents. Nag-apply knb dn b ng VisaScreen? give me some tips please lalo n sa what category of occupational visa, nalilito kc ako.

    Your reply is highly appreciated :) Thank you.

  97. pls help ... what's prc mailing address po nlgy nyo? applied last nov hang ngaun wla p recv prc ... pls email me

  98. Hi Im sorry to bother you.. pero I just wanna ask regarding sa pag process mo ng NCLEX in NY. I wanna know what's the address that DHL used when sending your CVS to CGFNS-NY. and Also when you sent your Application form in NY, is it the Address you used in which you have posted on Step 2? Sorry its kinda mixed up in my mind. I hope you will reply. Oh, btw po.. I am processing right now my application too. i hope you can reply asap. :) Thanks.

    1. pls email me at Thanks again :)

  99. Hi ms. Nin. Thank you for such a good heart and for finding time to help us. I just wanna verify this. If ever i pass the nclex exam in new york, will i be issued a license despite the fact that i do not have an ssn? From what i heard, i will not be issued a license unless i am able to provide an ssn. And all in all, how much money have you spent through out the process. I kind of have a limited budget lols. Thank you in advance ms. Nin.

    1. Hi, this not Ms. Nin but here's what happen to me. They issued a board certificate that I am a registered professional nurse and a license certificate that proves that I am eligible to work there. I thought that they will issue a license card just like in PRC but they did not. I will clarify on that once I tour in New York (hopefully, haha!) I do not have an SSN yet. About the expenses, you should probably spend $1000. It is better to have an excess money because you will never know what will happen on your application process.

    2. Hi there. Sorry for the late response. I would love to hear from you regarding the updates on your new york dreams lols. This is my email add btw. but as i heard from some people who took the nclex, they were not given a license card as well but a certificate instead. What they did was they searched for an employer so that they could get an ssn. Employers then, will be the ones to assist you to have ur ssn and license.

    3. Actually, the board certificate is the license. If you want a license card, you may visit the NYSED website for further information. BTW, it's only optional. The best way to get to USA is through marriage to a US citizen (according to my uncle who is a doctor in USA). It will only take weeks to months to process your fiancee' visa, unlike in employment based immigration, it will take years. So there is some instances that the employer will abandon you. There is a so called "PRIORITY DATE" by the immigration. As of now, they processing applicants who applied visa in the year 2007, (ANUNG PETSA N?, HAHA!!). If you apply this year, maybe it will take 7-8 years of waiting. If you really want to go to USA, it is a money and waiting game. So it is better to have plan B while waiting for your visa to be approved. I am not discouraging you to fulfill your american dream, but this is the reality. USA is the place that I have been dreaming for years :) So keep up the faith. As they say, good things come for those who wait :) KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON :)

    4. Hi there! You have to go to the local DMV offfice here in New York to get/apply for your professional ID. It will cost you around $30.

      I'm no expert in immigration but check out EB-2, those visas are issued for professionals with advanced degree. So if ever you have a Master's Degree, you can say it to your employer kasi as of now, current yun ngayon. While EB-3 naman, the priority date that they are processing now is 01Nov2007. :(
