Saturday, August 11, 2012

Boarding the plane in 48 hours

Been out and not particularly about these past few weeks, doing nonsense and being inhumanely nonsense. I managed to mail my State Board applications and verification documents though. So I think I'll give myself a pat in the back. But man, it isn't cheap! So I guess I'll take the pat in the back back. 

I am home since Monday night, thank God I managed to leave the Metro before the monsoon hit and flood submerged the city. I was literally a few breaths away from deciding whether to go that day or to go home two days later. As a matter of fact, it's been raining bananas an hour before I boarded and the roads are accumulating dirt water fast. If I hadn't, I probably ended up hungry for the next few days in my top floor pad, with nothing but crackers and some Vienna Sausage. My parents would have been so worried as I live alone. I will be back to Manila on Monday (and I feel so guilty by every ticking of the clock, I have not made any progress with what the 'studying' I should be doing) for my backpacking trip to SAR China. I am beyond excited and scared at the same time. I hope the weather gets better soon. I hope Manila and all the surrounding cities greatly affected by the storm and the flood will get back on their feet really soon.

As for myself, I have yet to figure everything out. Ha.


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